what we do

Church and Vocation

Help support the Bishop's Fund, held masses for the sick, made donation to the annual bazaar, made annual donations to the Parish of St.Gerard, made donation to youth music ministry, gave scholarships to the vocation of the priesthood, made a donation to first communicants, donate to Catholic Advertising, have a memorial mass for councils deceased members.

Youth activities

Made donation to local music festival, sponsor a foster child, made donation to KoC Indoor Games, donate money to all Catholic schools in Yorkton, Help clean-up and work at Camp O'Neill Jamboree and Camp, serve luncheons to Special Needs Education twice a year, host Basketball Free-Throw Competition, helped neighboring council with a roller-blade-a-thon for drug awarness, made scholarships for graduating students at both High Schools.

Community activities

Took a collection and made donation to Shelwin House for battered women, helped elderly parishioners with fall clean-up yard work by raking leaves, paid membership to Sask. Catholic Health, paid membership for Sask. Pro-Life as well as our local Pro-Life, made a donation to local Red Cross Golf Classic, paid for Christmas advertising on local television station, participated in Big Brother / Big Sister bowling, made donations to families in need, help manage Salvation Army Christmas Kettles for six days.

Council activities

Purchased a wreath for Rememberance Day and participated as honour and colour guard for parade and ceremony, helped local 4th degree assembly with their meetings and exemplifications, host a members Christmas Social and Year-end Wind-up and Awards, helped parish set-up and organize children's Christmas party, give carnations to mothers on Mother's Day, host and make Parish Brunches at least ten times during the year, run familiy curling for the past fifty years every Monday night from the middle of October until the end of February.

Many of these projects could not continue if it was not for our bingos, parish brunches and goverment charity allotment.

4th degree link
koc insurance
stgerard link